Monthly Archives: September 2014

New Brunswick Election

1024px-Flag_of_New_Brunswick.svgNew Brunswick General Election 2014 

Dual Electoral System results

49 Ridings / 2 Members per riding / top two elected/  98 MLAs
Liberals 45 / Conservatives 47 / NDP 3 / Green 2 / PA 1

43 Ridings  Liberal / Cons
2 Ridings  Cons / NDP
1 Riding  Lib / NDP
1 Riding  Lib / Green
1 Riding  Cons / PA
1 Riding  Green / Cons

In the 43 Ridings of Liberals / Conservative I assumed the following; NDP vote goes 67% to the Liberals, Green vote goes 75% to the Liberals, and the PA & Ind vote splits 50/50.

In the following Ridings I assumed the following; Liberal vote splits 50/50, Conservative vote goes 67% to the Liberals, NDP vote goes to the Green or PA, Green vote goes to the NDP or PA, and the PA & Ind vote always splits 50/50 between the two candidates.
Restigouche-Chaleur:  Liberal / NDP
Kent North:  Liberal / Green
Hampton:  Conservative / NDP
Fredericton-Grand lake:  Conservative / PA
Fredericton South:  Green / Conservative
Fredericton – West Hanwell:  Conservative / NDP

If the above is roughly true the Legislative vote in the New Brunswick Assembly would be
Liberals 53% / Conservatives 41% / NDP 3% / Green 2% / PA 1%

Compare: First past the post  VS  Dual electoral systemsnapshot22As always I suggest forming the Legislative Assembly Advisory Council. The top two candidates in each riding are members with 1 vote in regular session. All the other candidates transfer their popular vote to one of the members from their riding  which when added to their own popular vote becomes the number of votes they have in Legislative session of the Council. The Council in regular session advises the Assembly on procedural motions. The Council in legislative session advises the Assembly on whether to pass a bill into law. The advisory council allows you to try it before you buy it.

If New Brunswick adopted the Dual electoral system the Legislative Assembly should have 25 ridings giving you 50 MLAs. This last election would probably give you 24 Liberals 55% Leg vote / 24 Cons 41% Leg vote / 1 NDP 2% Leg vote / 1 Green 2% Leg vote.

Acting president: Barry Aulis

Revere the Leader

abortion-rights-trump-mps-freedom-to-vote-their-conscienceliberal-caucus-20140819Jus In the natural governing party you revere the Leader. The Liberals have learned nothing and its still the same old same old. But are any of the other parties any better?

12.3 Key resolutions need two third majorities to be passed in the National Assembly, National Congress, and the Federal council. Key resolutions are motioned in the National policy committee. These resolutions form the National Party Platform and are binding upon a Federalist government and all Federalist MPs. Each Federalist MP can vote as they choose in the House of Commons. They may vote against a key resolution without penalty a number of times in each Parliament equal to the number of times they have been elected to the Commons.

I have had this discussion before and what it comes down too is are you a Member of Parliament or are you a Member of Party? The answer is another more basic question the voters and taxpayers of Canada should ask. Who pays their salaries?

With the Federalist party of Canada what comes first is recognition that its the taxpayers who pay an MP’s salary and not the Party and certainly not the Party Leader. But they are also running as the Federalist’s candidate for the House so they are required to support the Party’s platform in Parliament. This support however is not and should not be the absolute that Mr. Trudue is dictating to the members of the Liberal party.

As the Federalist party’s constitution shows Federalist’s MPs can pass on a bloc vote of the caucus a limited number of times in each Parliament. Breaking party ranks beyond this brings the following penalties; first time 90 day suspension from caucus, second time 180 day suspension from caucus and National Congress, third time 1 year suspension of party membership, fourth time its bye bye you are in the wrong party!

Instead of Party discipline rigidity have a system that says you are both MP Member of Parliament and a Member of your Party. I repeat you are a Member of Parliament first why? Because where I come from the One that pays your salary is the one who gets to call the shots!

Barry Aulis

Dear Mr. Prentice

Here’s an idea for Premier Prentice. This is a proposed policy resolution.

Non-voting members of the House of Commons
Under the standing orders of the House of Commons there shall be created a class of members called House delegates who can motion and debate but have no seat on any committee and no vote in the House of Commons.

Be it resolved
Delegates can be created by an absolute two-thirds majority vote (206) of the Commons. These delegates have a term of office for the duration of that parliament. A House delegate called a Member-emeritus can be created by an absolute three quarters majority vote (231) of the Commons. A Member-emeritus serves for the duration of five parliaments starting with the one in which they are created. All Speakers of the House become a Member-emeritus for life in the Parliament after they retire.

Be it further resolved
There shall be ex-official House delegates who are any member of the Council of Ministers or the Council of Opposition who does not have a seat in the House of Commons. Furthermore both the Prime Minister and the Leader of the Opposition shall only be House delegates. If they are members of the House of Commons at the time of appointment as Prime minister or Leader of the opposition they then shall resign that seat in the House of Commons. Also if any leader of an official political party does not have a seat in the House of Commons they shall become a delegate member of the Commons. The status of an official political party shall be granted to any party, which got 5% or more of the popular vote
in the last election or who has 1% or more of the membership in the House of Commons.

By appointment as Premier of Alberta Mr. Prentice also becomes an Assembly delegate in the Alberta legislature. As for his idea for terms limits from the Federalist party’s constitution and Bylaws.

11.0 The Party shall hold a leadership election no earlier then 3 years after the last vote and no later then 6 years after the last leadership election. The winner is elected Leader of the Party and the runner-up as the Deputy leader.

11.1 It is a vote in the National Congress in regular session that sets the month for the leadership vote. The Leader may serve at most 3 terms as Leader of the Party.

That members of the Federalist party be barred from running for the party’s nomination for the House of Commons if they have served as an MP in 6 Parliaments or have been the Federalist’s candidate 8 times.