Monthly Archives: October 2012


The political monarch (PM) waves his hand and we now have three By-elections. Here’s another way of doing it that is independent of the Prime Minister. There would be four set election dates, which would be three months apart on which you would hold any by-elections. For example the set election dates could be the first Monday in the months of March, June, September, and December. When a Commons seat goes vacant the Speaker of the House informs the Chief Electoral Officer of the vacancy and the By-election would be on the second set election date after the seat goes vacant. For the ridings of Durham and Victoria the second election date after their vacancy would be the first Monday in December. For the riding of Calgary-center that went vacant when Lee Richardson resigned on May 30 the second election date after would have been the first Monday in September. All by-elections would be 3 to 6 months after a seat goes vacant. When the Partisan kiddies fight over the election date toy you take it away from them! Barry.

Prorogation of Parliament

Here we go again with another political monarch (PM) proroguing Parliament at their pleasure. Some 400 years ago the British cut the head off a king who insisted on the royal authority over the prerogatives of Parliament. That prerogative can be summed up in a simple statement of Parliament and only Parliament can affect Parliament. As the December constitutional crisis of 2008 proved that the Prime Minister can get rid of Parliament but Parliament can’t get rid of the Prime Minister. It’s like having a situation with a Corporation where if the board of directors fires the CEO it automatically brings about a general shareholders meeting. You can’t fire someone without losing your own job simultaneously. Parliament should only be prorogued on a Motion of Prorogation. This motion to be presented by either the government or opposition House leader and passed by an absolute two-thirds majority. For the House of Commons its 206 and for the Ontario Assembly 72. Parliament would then be prorogued till the fifth Monday afterwards. Personally I would vote once in a Parliament to prorogue and give the government what amounts to a time out. But this is done by a vote in the House or Assembly and not the royal signature upon the advice of the Prime Minister of the day. Barry.

Letter to PEI Part 2

Last week I also sent the letter to PEI to the NDP and Green parties of PEI. I have just got a reply back from one of the members of the PEI legislative assembly. So who knows?
